Rob Mumford and Aaron Key drive a 70's muscle car through Patagonia
on a physical and spiritual journey to the end of the World.
is a massive country, the eighth largest in the world, ten times the
size of New Zealand and over 4,500 km from North to South. Ushuaia
near the 55th parallel is the world's southernmost city and some 1,500
km south of Invercargill! Its here that the Atlantic and Pacific oceans
meet in the fearful waters off Cape Horn.
physical and spiritual journey to the end of the world through the
history and geography of Southern Argentina. Petrified forests, unique
wildlife, dinosaur remains, wind swept coasts, mountains, lakes, and
forests combine with the towns, cities, and people of Patagonia to
make a unique and challenging travel experience.
Driving national highway 3 from start to finish we aim to capture
in words and images the soul and spirit of Patagonia.
to Argentina straight off the production line by then US ambassador
Alvin Scmucker this 5 litre V8 is a survivor from the glory days of
the US motor industry. Inspired by Kowalski's Dodge Challenger in
Vanishing Point but hoping for a better ending this Torino
is the perfect car for Patagonia's long straight highways.
Torino Photo Gallery
1971 Ford Torino 500 Hardtop
VIN = Vehicle Identification Number = F 1A30F283595 F
VIN Codes
1 = Last Digit of Model Year = 1971
A = Assembly Plant = Atlanta (Operated 1947 to 2006)
30 = IBM Body Code = Torino 500 Formal Hardtop
F = Engine Type = 302ci V8 - 2v
283595 = Serial Number

FREE, SET THEM FREE...........
The San Julian coast is rugged and spectacular, we drive the coastal
road, explore deserted beaches, and take in stunning views. We come
to a lighthouse staring out at the endless sea and sky, the horizon
separates the sky from the dark mysterious ocean. It's windy, wild
and breathtakingly beautiful. On this lonely light someone has spray-painted
"If you love someone set them free, if they come back they are
yours, if not, tough luck!" Seems a pretty appropriate reflection
from this mesmerising spot.
Nothing to hear but the rushing wind.
to see but the road reaching out to the distant horizon.
out here that one catches a glimpse of the essence of life, an existence
so simple that senses are switched off as the moment is experienced
in its fullness and beauty. One
feels both completely humbled and utterly immortal as thoughts of
the outside world vanish and are replaced by a deep all encompassing
seems to stand still as the tarmac disappears below the car but the
horizon remains fixed in the distance. A strange combination of speed
and motionlessness.
white center line our spiritual guide on these eternal Patagonian
Killers, Massive Attack, Leftfield, Stellar, Killing Heidi, Icehouse,
The inside story of the road to the end of the World
- Buenos Aires to Bahia Bustamante
- Bustamante to Isla Pavon
- Rio Gallegos to World's End
- Ushuaia and heading North
8,161 Kilometres travelled
280 Kilometres on the back of tow trucks
26 Days on the Road
1,223 Litres of petrol
6.5 kilometres per litre
24 Litres of Oil
4 Visits to mechanics
16 Hotels stayed in
251 Postcards distributed
4563 Penguins sighted
438 Sea Lions sighted
1 Sea Lion attack
0 Killer Whales sighted
12 Times US tourist used the word "cute"
to describe penguins in 1 hour
3 Days we laughed after seeing beached
55 Latitude South of Ushuaia